Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Choosy Power Privacy Policy

What Does This Policy Cover?

When we refer to our "Services," we encompass all the websites, applications, and products provided through our brands and other delivery channels.

This Policy elucidates how we gather and employ your personal data, also known as personal information. It further enlightens you on our data security measures and the choices available to you, so please ensure that you read it.

We aim to present this Policy in a reader-friendly manner. In certain sections, you can click for more detailed information about our practices. It is important to note that all aspects of this Policy apply universally to all our activities. For specific Services and locations, additional notices may be provided, which should be read in conjunction with this Policy.

Our Services may feature links to external websites. We do not have control over these sites, and we encourage you to review their respective privacy policies.

Please be aware that our Services are intended for use by individuals who are 16 years old or older.

What Information Do We Collect, Use, and Share? (Summary)

This section serves as our notice at collection under the CCPA. Over the past 12 months, we have disclosed personal data for various business or commercial purposes, depending on your interactions with us:

Categories of Personal Information Purpose for Collecting Personal Information

(depending on your interactions with us)

Personal Identifiers, such as your name, alias, postal address, email address, telephone number, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, account name, education, employment, credit or debit card number, any financial information, as well as sensitive information like social security numbers, account log-in details, and government identification card data.

- Providing our Services and fulfilling your requests.

- Registering and securing your account.

- Handling calls and messages from you.

- Verifying your identity and eligibility for our Services.

- Assisting you in finding the best pricing and products.

- Directing you to partner websites.

- Processing transactions between you, us, or our partners.

- Personalizing the Services.

- Keeping your data up to date.

- Providing customer service and support.

- Fulfilling data rights requests.

- Enabling the use of social sharing tools.

- Tracking sales and receiving payments from partners.

- Allowing seamless transition between devices while using our Services.

- Improving and promoting our Services and those of others.

- Conducting analysis and market research.

- Presenting our Services clearly and effectively.

- Conducting sweepstakes and surveys.

- Enhancing our products.

- Processing rewards.

- Sending updates and Service messages.

- Notifying you about our services and promotions through email, social media, and push notifications (with your consent).

- Informing you about the Services of other Red Ventures' brands.

- Building and enhancing models to understand your interests and those of other consumers.

- Targeting advertising on our and other websites based on collected or created data.

- Providing location-based offers with your consent.

- Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

(Note: We do not use profiling that could have legal or similar consequences.)

- Operating our business.

- Performing necessary tasks for business operations.

- Enhancing business security and preventing fraud.

- Generating reports for internal and external purposes.

- Complying with legal requests.

- Conducting business audits.

- Protecting the interests of our business and partners.

- Other purposes as permitted by law and with your consent (from time to time).

Protected Classification Characteristics, such as age, race, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, marital status, and sex (considered sensitive personal information).

Commercial Information, including purchased products or services, considered or contemplated purchases, and other consumer behavior and tendencies.

Internet or Network Activity Information, such as browsing history, search history, and interactions with websites, applications, or advertisements.

Geolocation Information, derived from your device's satellite or cell phone tower signals to determine your approximate location (considered sensitive personal information).

Audio or Visual Information, including audio or screen recordings (with your permission).

Inferences, drawn from the above data, creating a profile reflecting your preferences, characteristics, behavior, abilities, and aptitudes.

Other Disclosures: We may share your personal data with your consent or to comply with legal processes.

Sale of Personal Data: We do not sell, rent, or loan your personal data for monetary purposes. However, depending on your privacy preferences, we may share your data (as detailed in the Identifiers, Internet or Network Activity Data, and Geolocation Information sections of the chart above) with social media platforms, analytics providers, and advertising companies. This sharing may be classified as a "sale" under certain laws. For more information, please refer to the "How Can You Control Your Data" section of this Policy.

Data Retention: We retain your data for as long as necessary to provide our Services and fulfill our business and legal obligations. The retention period is determined by considering the volume and type of data, potential risks, and the feasibility of achieving our objectives with less data. We also factor in other legal requirements. When data is no longer needed for the stated purposes, it is securely deleted.

Collection of Data from Children: We prioritize the privacy and safety of children and do not direct our Services toward children. We do not knowingly collect data from individuals under the age of 16 or minors as defined by local laws without verifiable parental consent. If we discover that someone under 16 has provided their data, we will make reasonable efforts to remove it from our databases.

What Data Do We Collect?

When you utilize our Services, we collect and use data.

We collect data through four primary methods:

1. You voluntarily provide data when using our Services (e.g., your name or email address).

2. Data is automatically collected as you interact with our Services (e.g., your IP address).

3. We receive data from third parties to support our Services.

4. We utilize or combine the data we acquire to infer information about you (e.g., your interests).

We collect data necessary for our legitimate purposes.

For more details, please continue reading below.

How Do We Use Your Data?

We utilize your data to serve you and operate our business.

Depending on the Services you engage with and your preferences, we may use your data to:

- Provide our Services and fulfill your requests.

- Enhance and promote our Services, as well as those of our partners.

- Maintain and secure our business.

For additional information, please see below.

How Do We Use Cookies?

Cookies are small text files commonly used when visiting websites. We employ cookies and similar tools on our websites to:

- Recognize returning visitors.

- Store data for future use.

- Target our advertising.

You have the option to adjust your browser settings to disable cookies, but this may impact the functionality of some of our Services. To gain a deeper understanding of the cookies we use and their purposes, please review our Cookie Policy.

When Do We Share Data with Others?

To provide our Services and manage our business, we must share certain data.

We may share data with third parties for various purposes, including:

- Providing our Services, such as with partners whose products you choose.

- Utilizing third-party services to operate our business, such as hosting our databases.

- Complying with legal requirements and protecting our interests and those of our partners, which may involve sharing data with lawyers, external advisors, and professionals.