Who We Serve

Who We Serve

Government & Municipalities

Government & Municipalities

Government & Municipalities

We build better businesses. We help our government and municipality clients identify and deliver bottom-line improvements.

Energy Solutions for Government, Cities, School Districts, and Municipalities

Your Trusted Partner in Public Sector Energy Management

Choosy Power is proud to manage one of the most extensive Government and Municipality Energy portfolios in the United States. We are dedicated to reviewing each local city, school district, or government account with meticulous precision to ensure we meet the highest standards of excellence.

Customized Energy Contracts for Municipalities

Local municipalities often require specific contract language to meet their unique energy goals and responsibly manage taxpayer dollars. At Choosy Power, we specialize in crafting energy solutions that align with these needs. Our approach ensures that local governments and municipalities are on the right product mix, tailored to their specific usage patterns and requirements.

Our pricing analysts carefully evaluate your energy consumption, identify opportunities to reduce overall load, and ensure there are no rollover billing issues or incorrect meter tariffs.

Our Three-Pronged Approach

  1. Competitive Energy Shopping:
    We leverage our superior selection of suppliers to shop your power and gas accounts. By presenting suppliers with your custom load profiles, we encourage them to compete for your business, which significantly reduces your per kWh rate.

  2. Energy Efficiency Projects:
    Our engineers assess opportunities to reduce your actual energy load through projects like solar installations, on-site generation, demand response programs, HVAC upgrades, and LED lighting. These initiatives help you achieve sustainability goals, lower your carbon footprint, and realize substantial savings by reducing overall energy consumption.

  3. Billing and Tariff Audits:
    We conduct thorough audits to identify any billing or tariff issues that may have been overlooked in previous contracts or by your local utility. These simple annual audits can save your municipality hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.

Choose the Experts in Public Sector Energy Management

If you represent a city, school district, local government, or municipality, don’t leave your Energy Buying Plan to chance. Trust the experts at Choosy Power, who have successfully managed more public sector energy accounts than any other broker in America.

Partner with Choosy Power today and ensure your energy strategy is in expert hands.

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