Who We Serve

Who We Serve

Manufacturing & Industrial

Manufacturing & Industrial

Manufacturing & Industrial

Manufacturing & Industrial We build better businesses. We help our manufacturing and industrial clients identify and deliver bottom-line improvements.

Manufacturing & Industrial Energy Solutions

Maximize Efficiency. Minimize Costs.

At Choosy Power, our Manufacturing & Industrial Energy Customers represent the largest segment we service, handling more energy consumption and load management for these clients than any other customer group.

Managing energy spend is a critical factor in your bottom line. That's why we offer a full-service approach tailored specifically to the unique needs of large industrial and manufacturing operations.

Customized Energy Management: For large-scale energy users, it's essential to optimize every aspect of energy consumption. This means evaluating operational hours, scheduling, and shift management to ensure that energy use is both efficient and cost-effective.

Key questions to consider include:

  • What percentage of your operating expenses is attributed to energy consumption?

  • What are your mandatory hours of operation?

  • Can any portion of your energy load be reduced or shifted?

  • Do you have equipment that contributes significantly to your overall energy load?

Our Three-Pronged Approach:

  1. Procurement: We actively source and shop your energy load across a vast network of national suppliers. By inviting suppliers to bid on your load, we drive down the cost per kWh, ensuring you get the most competitive rates.

  2. Energy Efficiency Projects: Our engineers conduct a comprehensive review of your machinery, lighting, HVAC systems, and controls to identify opportunities for increased efficiency. We’ll present you with projects that promise a strong ROI, helping you reduce energy consumption and realize net savings.

  3. Bill Auditing: We scrutinize all tariffs, charges, and taxes on your energy bills. Many manufacturing facilities are eligible for tax exemptions that may not be reflected by your current supplier. Our audits ensure you're not overpaying.

Ready to Take Control of Your Energy Costs?

Let Choosy Power help you optimize your energy spend and enhance your bottom line.

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